Kusadasi Youth Festival

July, 2023 Kusadasi
  • Location:kusadasi
  • Reviews:563 reviews
  • Phone:(+0064) 725 4143 68
  • Website:kusadasi.com

Kuşadası hosts many national and international festivals as it is a region where the heart of tourism beats. These events take place on certain dates during the summer season. Concerts, festivals and more. Free concerts and Amphitheater concerts add vitality to Kuşadası throughout the summer.

In 2022, Kuşadası Youth Festival, What a Fest and Goat Fest was held in Kuşadası. There are certain entrance fees for these festivals. You can buy daily or combined tickets. Certain areas are reserved for camping in the festival area, you can go to the sea in the morning and go to the concert in the evening. There are shower and toilet areas.

Concerts in the Amphitheater usually start in June and end in September. During this 3-month period, Turkey's favorite artists take the stage at the Amphitheater. Usually, concerts begin at 21:00 and end at 23:30. It is forbidden to take food and drinks inside the theater, but there is a market inside the Amphitheater for your needs.

            The earlier you buy the event tickets, the cheaper the event.


  • Kusadasi
  • +90 554 386 4144
  • info@kusadasi.com

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